Ankush Jain
ACA, B.Com
CA Ankush Jain is associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He has completed Certification Course of concurrent Audit offered by Institute of Chartered Accountant. He is youngest Committee Member of Indore Branch of CIRC of ICAI and he was Chairman of CICASA in year 2019-2020 and elected as Treasurer for year 2020-2021 of Indore Branch of CIRC of ICAI.
He has joined the firm with a mission of further modernizing the operations, making the best use of technology, and strengthening the services to surpass the quality of best of the global organizations. He is dedicated professional with extensive and specialised knowledge in the field of Government Audits andCentral Statutory Audit, Branch Statutory Audit, Concurrent Audit, Credit Monitoring audit, Stock and Book debts audit, Migration Audit &Compliance Auditofvarious Nationalized Banks and Co-operative Banks. He is alsocarrying out audits focusing on the areas that are prone to high risks including Revenue Leakages, Cost Control and Process Efficiency improvement/ Optimisation, Business Process Reengineering.
He is also skilled in Project & Retail financing and other related consultancy services.
Out of his keen interest in Research and Training he is a regular training faculty and Speaker with the ICAI on relevant topics.