Shalinta Dubey Sharma
CA Shalinta Dubey QualifieFCA, MBA (Finance), LLB, B.Com
Chartered Accountant in year 2007 and joined SPARK as a partner in 2013. She possesses an experience in multiple spheres including Costing and Pricing, Financial and Management Accounting and Project Management. She is an Expert in taxation & Internal Audit. She has work Experience in various CA firm at different designation, she is very Innovative & Highly Committed towards her work. She also hold a wide experience in statutory Audit, Tax Audit, and Internal Audit of Various companies and Institute. She has developed deep insight into the banking and the related regulatory framework through association in leading teams of audit and inspection of banking entities. She has carried out Inspection Assignments on behalf of Banking Regulator and was able to match the professional expectations and confidence reposed by the Regulator. She has pursued her professional goals in an active manner and to augment the needs of the clients.